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No Date Title Total
3355 27 Apr 1996 Diabolical Cuboidal Squares 491 16 507
3407 26 Apr 1997 Casting Out Nines 222 58 280
3464 30 May 1998 Hell’s Pells 764 16 780
3606 24 Feb 2001 The Königsberg Bridges 372 95 467
3671 25 May 2002 Euler’s Spoilers 546 16 562
3944 25 Aug 2007 Dedication 793 58 851
3984 31 May 2008 Odd One Out 255 22 277
4023 28 Feb 2009 Pentomino Factory 689 64 753
4088 29 May 2010 Digimix 426 41 467
4125 19 Feb 2011 Elementary Number Theory 509 35 544
4190 19 May 2012 2×2×2 320 119 439
4270 30 Nov 2013 Alma Mater 379 67 446
4399 21 May 2016 Square Time Sums 580 64 644
4438 18 Feb 2017 Can’t You Do Division? 475 5 480
4529 17 Nov 2018 St Hubert’s College 335 36 371
4647 20 Feb 2021 Roundabout Sums 486 18 504
4751 18 Feb 2023 Instruction - - -
4830 24 Aug 2024 Take Two or Three - - -
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